Friday 29 July 2016

Motivation Monday- Making Time

I was chatting to a friend the other day who was struggling to find time to train for a 10 mile race. He & his wife work in demanding job roles that require a lot of travel and solo parenting. 

Trying to find time to run with a two year old is tough! Here are a few tips for those of you in a similar situation to help you get fit, stay healthy and be a super parent! 

1. Routine- add exercise into your daily or weekly routine. If that means getting up 30 minutes or an hour earlier, you'll feel better for it! 

2. Cross train- There are several different types of training that work on toning your muscles & helps to cross train if you're doing a running event. TRx is my favourite 

3. Fitness app- if you're constantly on the go, get a fitness app that can give you quick & easy exercises to do anywhere. Even doing a set of three 45 second planks will build your core muscle and add definition to your abdominal muscles. 

4. Diet- the ratio 80/20 for diet to fitness is often quoted to obtain and maintain a lean healthy physique. If you're busy and constantly traveling, try to plan your meals. Fortunately, the supermarkets have caught on to the healthy eating hype and it's easy to grab sushi or a quinoa salad for lunch. It's just making sure you do reach for the healthy snack verses a sugar & salt loaded alternative! 

5. Run time- Try to plan set days of the week to run. Even if it's only for 30 minutes that will help increase your cardio and distance. If you can set aside a day a week to run your longer distance to build your running stamina for the Great South Run! 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Throwback Thursday- VA Cabin Crew to Gold

When I left Virgin Atlantic eight years ago to open my own beauty salon, I never envisioned I would be standing here today as the BABTAC Beauty Therapist of the Year and having won their Gold Award for my contribution to industry! 

I loved flying and had been to every destination that Virgin flew to at the time. It was a wonderful way to see the world with such an amazing mix of people! I used to visit salons and spas in each destination to experience different treatments and get ideas for Orchids Hideaway. 

Another dream of mine was to open my own salon, I had been operating a treatment room out of a spare bedroom for five years and my client base was building. Flying turned into my days of rest because when I was at home my diary was full with clients and I had a waiting list. 

The time had come to spread my wings and open a salon working in beauty full time. A place had just become available in town, so that day I went to look at it and have never turned back. I have always been fervent about the beauty industry and enjoying sharing my knowledge and passion with others. 

I am available for business coaching, mentoring and beauty consultancy. 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Monday Motivation- How to have that post weekend glow

Fitness Friday- NYC marathon training

This week I didn't get my next run in until Wednesday. Busy schedules, bad sleep patterns & family time outweighed the running time. I did a 3.5 miler and TRx with on Saturday, and pump class on Tuesday to keep up my cross training. 

Wednesday was a wet start to the day, but I did have an audience of cows! Only in the new forest are cows roaming free on the sea wall! 

On the upside, my nutribullet arrived- I love it!! A fruit and vegetable smoothie for breakfast everyday with seeds and a few oats keep me full until lunchtime! 

With the reduction of cardio I have craved less carbs, so have enjoyed salads & stirfries for lunch and dinner this week. Loading up on vitamins and nutrients this week makes me feel less guilty about the lack of mileage! 

My goal is to raise $2,500 for Team for Kids to help children get into fitness. Click here to show your support.

Friday 22 July 2016

Travel Tuesday: Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Part 7: Tao Te Ching

A popular radio program in the UK called Desert Island Discs asks a variety of listeners which eight records they would take to a Desert Island. 

A friend asked me what my beauty version would be. So here's the beginning of an eight part Beauty & Wellness series about what I would take with me if I was only allowed one item. 

The seventh item I would take if I wasn't allowed a fully loaded kindle would be a book. It's a great way to switch off from life, get absorbed into another place and relax. 

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu is a book you can read again and again. Every time you read it you grasp something else from it depending what's going on in your mind & in your life. 

I've included a picture as there seems to be several editions printed, but this is my favourite. It was introduced to me by a friend in high school and it's been a book I've turned back to many times over the years. 

Travel Tuesday: Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Beauty item

A popular radio program in the UK called Desert Island Discs asks a variety of listeners what they would take to a Desert Island. If they were only allowed 8 records what would they pack?  

A friend asked me what my beauty version would be. So here's the third entry of an eight part Beauty & Wellness series about what I would take with me if I was only allowed eight items. I've chosen one item from each category- skincare, makeup, etc. 

One of my beauty essentials is a lash conditioning and growth serum called LiLash. I have to import it from the United States and am one of the only salons south of London to sell it! It is anatural alternative to getting eyelash extensions. 

This serum is the number 1 in the world and it encourages lash growth and thickness. By using this product regularly it stimulates the natural lashes to grow and with continued use the lashes begin to thicken. In the heat and with limited resources on a desert island, maintaining a longer fuller appearance with a natural curl. This helps to open and frame the eye area, and with a pre-holiday eyelash tint it looks like you're wearing makeup! 

Travel Tuesday: Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Fitness kit

A popular radio program in the UK called Desert Island Discs asks a variety of listeners what they would take to a Desert Island. If they were only allowed 8 records what would they pack?  

A friend asked me what my beauty version would be. So here's the fourth entry of an eight part Beauty & Wellness series about what I would take with me if I was only allowed one item. 

I love to run and have completed the European Marathon Majors. Running barefoot in the sand helps to build the foot muscles and is great for all over toning and strength building. It is important to wear a supportive sports bra because the breast tissue can stretch with the constant bounce caused from running. Victoria's Secret make the best sports bras ever! I love the support they give and bright colours make me happy. 

Soft sand running is great for your joints. “The soft sand surface and barefoot running means your stabilising muscles and joints work a little bit harder to keep you balanced. It’s insanely awesome strength work for your legs” says 12WBT Trainer Greta Truscott. 

Get out & enjoy a run on your holiday this summer Bisous! 💋

Travel Tuesday: Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Makeup

The second item I would take to a desert island would be lipstick because it brightens the face even without any makeup on. 

The colour would depend on what I packed and the time of year, but red is a classic staple in any season. 

Anyone who knows me knows I always wear something on my lips because it completes any look- fitness, beach, glamour or day to day. 

It also can be used to add colour to cheeks if applied lightly, so it's multi purpose in the sense of one item only. 

A great quote from my favourite charity Look Good Feel Better! 

Suncare Sunday- What's in the bag

Feature Friday- Charcoal to the rescue!

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Marathon training begins!

The NYC marathon training has begun! 5.00 start this morning, the house is still asleep & I'm up prepping for a little 3 mile run along the sea wall with our golden retriever, George! 

Pre run snack- a double espresso & a banana! 

I have 2 young boys and in order to still spend time with them, I try to run early so I can see them before work! Healthy breakfast of triple fruit & Greek yogurt with chia seeds, savory seed blend from The Food Doctor and some oats for slow release energy. I've had 4/5 fresh fruit and vegetables before 7.00am! 

One bowl of goodness is for my husband. This morning is a double fitness whammy as I also go to Karen Davis Fitness pump class (check out to build up my muscle strength. Cross training is important for running and is great for muscle definition! 

My goal is to raise $2,500 for Team for Kids to help children get into fitness. Click here to show your support.

Monday 18 July 2016

Travel Tuesday: Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Skincare

A popular radio program in the UK called Desert Island Discs asks a variety of listeners what they would take to a Desert Island. If they were only allowed 8 records what would they pack?  

A friend asked me what my beauty version would be. So here's the beginning of an eight part Beauty & Wellness series about what I would take with me if I was only allowed one item. 

I'll start with skincare because that's the part of my industry I am most passionate about! 

The best anti-aging product you can use on your skin is sun protection. It helps prevent wrinkles and pigmentation caused my exposure to ultra violet rays. 

An spf 50 that is broad spectrum sunscreen protects the skin from both uva and uvb rays. I would also want one that is waterproof as I love to swim in the sea. My favourite is Dermalogica's Protection 50 Sport because it can be used on the face and body, and it protects the skin for 40 minutes whilst swimming. 

It is important to remember to use a teaspoon of sunscreen on the face and the size of a shot glass on the body. To stay fully protected in direct sunlight, reapply every two hours. 

Enjoy the sunshine safely, happy travels! 

Thursday 14 July 2016

Treatment Thursday- make time for yourself

I started a personal mindfulness challenge four days ago after seeing a friend share the headspace app. 

It challenges you to meditate for 10 minutes everyday, preferably in the morning. The clarity I get after taking 10 minutes for me is awesome. 

I find after 10 minutes of focusing the mind & 'just being' I find fresh inspiration and ideas for all areas in my life. I also find it has helped me to prioritise and stay focused when completing tasks. 

I'm training for the New York Marathon in November and this morning I knocked 90 seconds off my personal best time. I also find having a vegetable juice or fruit smoothie in the morning keeps gives me a healthy burst of energy. The green superfood powders such as macha, spirilina, etc are a great addition for an antioxidant boost. 

Life very quickly gets busy and it's easy to get bogged down. By taking time for yourself to exercise, meditate and eat healthily everything else will fall into place.


Tuesday 12 July 2016

Treatment Thursday- Dark circles

Last week I asked what questions my readers would like answered and one lovely sleep deprived Mum with 3 kids under 2 asked how to get rid of dark circles. 

Some dark circles are hereditary because of the natural pigment and skin coloring, but most can be combatted with a few alterations to your daily routine. Here are a few tips to try: 

Sleep deprevation whether it be from stress or the arrival of young children it takes its toll on the body not having a regular 6-8 hours of sleep every night. The body repairs itself at night, with the hours of 9pm-12am being the most important. 

Eye cream 
I gave a client who has suffered for years with dark circles a sample of Dermalogica's total eye care & she said its the first time in decades she's not felt the need to wear foundation! Eye cream hydrates and moisturises the delicate tissues around the eye area which improves the colour and texture. 

Drink water 
Two litres of water is the daily requirement, by increasing your intake to 3-4 litres it hydrates the skin and helps flush out toxins counterbalancing any caffeine and alcohol consumed. The difference in your skin will be obviously clearer and more plump.

Healthy diet 
Lots of leafy green vegetables, fruits and superfoods all help the skin glow. Jamie Oliver says, 'When it comes to fruit and veg, different colours provide your body with the different nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy – it's not just greens that are good for you!'