Tuesday 12 July 2016

Treatment Thursday- Dark circles

Last week I asked what questions my readers would like answered and one lovely sleep deprived Mum with 3 kids under 2 asked how to get rid of dark circles. 

Some dark circles are hereditary because of the natural pigment and skin coloring, but most can be combatted with a few alterations to your daily routine. Here are a few tips to try: 

Sleep deprevation whether it be from stress or the arrival of young children it takes its toll on the body not having a regular 6-8 hours of sleep every night. The body repairs itself at night, with the hours of 9pm-12am being the most important. 

Eye cream 
I gave a client who has suffered for years with dark circles a sample of Dermalogica's total eye care & she said its the first time in decades she's not felt the need to wear foundation! Eye cream hydrates and moisturises the delicate tissues around the eye area which improves the colour and texture. 

Drink water 
Two litres of water is the daily requirement, by increasing your intake to 3-4 litres it hydrates the skin and helps flush out toxins counterbalancing any caffeine and alcohol consumed. The difference in your skin will be obviously clearer and more plump.

Healthy diet 
Lots of leafy green vegetables, fruits and superfoods all help the skin glow. Jamie Oliver says, 'When it comes to fruit and veg, different colours provide your body with the different nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy – it's not just greens that are good for you!'

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