Friday 29 July 2016

Motivation Monday- Making Time

I was chatting to a friend the other day who was struggling to find time to train for a 10 mile race. He & his wife work in demanding job roles that require a lot of travel and solo parenting. 

Trying to find time to run with a two year old is tough! Here are a few tips for those of you in a similar situation to help you get fit, stay healthy and be a super parent! 

1. Routine- add exercise into your daily or weekly routine. If that means getting up 30 minutes or an hour earlier, you'll feel better for it! 

2. Cross train- There are several different types of training that work on toning your muscles & helps to cross train if you're doing a running event. TRx is my favourite 

3. Fitness app- if you're constantly on the go, get a fitness app that can give you quick & easy exercises to do anywhere. Even doing a set of three 45 second planks will build your core muscle and add definition to your abdominal muscles. 

4. Diet- the ratio 80/20 for diet to fitness is often quoted to obtain and maintain a lean healthy physique. If you're busy and constantly traveling, try to plan your meals. Fortunately, the supermarkets have caught on to the healthy eating hype and it's easy to grab sushi or a quinoa salad for lunch. It's just making sure you do reach for the healthy snack verses a sugar & salt loaded alternative! 

5. Run time- Try to plan set days of the week to run. Even if it's only for 30 minutes that will help increase your cardio and distance. If you can set aside a day a week to run your longer distance to build your running stamina for the Great South Run! 

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