Tuesday 13 September 2016

Travel Tuesday: Part 5 Desert Island Beauty & Wellness- Suppliment

A popular radio program in the UK called Desert Island Discs asks a variety of listeners what they would take to a Desert Island. If they were only allowed eight records what would they pack?  

A friend asked me what my beauty version would be. This is the fifth entry of the Beauty & Wellness series about what I would take with me if I was only allowed one item. 

I started taking a daily collagen supplement after reading a blog about how it helps your skin. A collagen supplement didn't make sense to me at first because your skin produces collagen not the body, but I thought I would try it anyway... Anything to slow the ageing process right?!

I started to research and read a bit more about the benefits on the skin by ingesting collagen. This incert from Amino-collagen summarises the benefits that studies have proven. 

"As the skin undergoes natural chronological aging, and is attacked through photoaging, the natural skin structure begins to deteriorate. Fortunately, lost body collagen stores can be effectively replaced through the right supplements. Supplemental collagen can increase strength around high movement areas of the skin where wrinkles form. Fortifying the skin's structure by eating collagen also results in the strengthening of pore walls, slowing down sagging skin and enlarged pores. The result is more youthful looking skin during aging."

This whole article explains the benefits of a collagen supplement on the body. http://amino-collagen.com/collagen-benefits-side-effects.html Amino-collagen states, 'taking collagen can decrease wrinkles by 13%' and other fun facts about this anti-ageing supplement.

So the vitamin or supplement I would take to a desert island would be collagen capsules to help combat the signs of ageing caused by the sun. 

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