Monday 5 September 2016

Motivation Monday- hill training

Sunday Runday didn't happen because I was up at 3.00am to drive the family down to Fowey for a weeks holiday. Living each day to the full my Aunt and cousin were in town so lunch and family time prevailed over an 11 mile run! 

If any of you readers have children in sure you can understand the lack of sleep on a first night holiday due to unsettled children in a new environment... My two boys, three and under are no exception! 

After only four rough hours of sleep and a cooked breakfast I had to dig deep this morning to find the strength mentally and physically to do my weekly long run. 

Fowey is very hilly but it was lovely to explore on foot, and I ended up running 12 miles around this quaint seaside village! 

Charcoal masque whilst stretching to get my twice weekly exfoliation and masque in... It's all about multi-tasking!! 

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