Sunday 28 August 2016

Sunday Runday- back on the training wagon!

Last week we were on holiday and I fell off the training wagon missing two weeks of pump, my 9 mile run and over indulged a bit too much! 

This week was super busy with work, but I was able to start getting my balance back with fitness, family and work. Five days of working 12-15 hours in a row does mean that you have to dig deep to find the motivation to add fitness into the mix! 

Yay back in the game! 

By Wednesday I was back on the training wagon and ran a slow 3 miler! Friday I did a spin class (after a Gin & tonic at kiddie tea- I hadn't planned on exercising!) and Saturday was my weekly Karen Davis Fitness TRx session. Today I completed slow a 10 miler in the wind & rain, but I'm back on track! 

In running the New York Marathon for Team for Kids. I have to raise over £2,500 and have self funded my travel, hotel and entry fee. Please donate to help me reach my goal. 

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