Friday 6 November 2015

Feature Friday- it's all about brows

I'm It's all about the brow, about the brow, about the brow, no trouble...

Whether it's brow extensions, growth serums or makeup, this season is all about eyebrows! 

Eyeshadow applied with a soft round brush to maintain a subtle natural finish. (Makeup by Claire Mulleady) 

I went to a MAC cosmetics masterclass at their Carnaby Street store yesterday. They've recently remodeled their Pro Store and have a private demonstration room upstairs. The Senior makeup artist had just got back from doing the International Fashion Week circuit and was full of ideas, insight and inspiration. 

Each model had very different brows from an Afro-Carribean well defined eyebrow to an Oriental fine eyebrow. There is a way to add definition to suit all styles- pencil, powder, gel, colored brow mascara are just to name a few. 

Even if you use a brow serum such as LiBrow or have extensions to enhance the natural appearance make up is needed to complete the look. MAC's new range has a brilliant array of Colours from fair blonde to red to dark brown. Full eyebrows with a natural finish are trending this season and are a hot topic for next Spring/Summer styles. 

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