Thursday 9 April 2015

Treatment Thursday- BioSurface Peel- Get the results!!

The Today I had a client in who is currently half way through her Bio Surface Peel course.  After two facials her family have noticed a significant difference in her skin.  Our main focus is to improve the pigmentation and overall skin appearance. She's been told her skin is 'glowing' and has said she looks 10 years younger.  

In her treatment she mentioned she burned her chin on a tray coming out of a 200 degree celsius oven- OUCH!! Because the facial is so gentle we agreed to treat the area and if there was any discomfort then I would remove the product.  As this was facial number three in her course we used five layers of the Acid Active, none of which were uncomfortable at all. It was amazing the result after the facial.  

Picture after facial of the burn, skin is slightly red but it helped remove dead skin cells and promote cell regeneration. 

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