Thursday 13 November 2014

Treatment Thursday- BioSurface Peel part 4

Originally the treatment plan was to do a course of three treatments with this client because her main focus was on anti ageing and she had a good skincare regime already. The course of treatment was to target skin renewal and give the skin an exfoliating boost as the seasons changed.  

As you've read from each bi-weekly update the skin had a mind of it's own and after the first treatment darker areas of pigmentation were present on the skin.  It has been interesting to watch these surface and after seeking expert advice, it was suggested that the course continue onto a course of six to encourage the pigmentation to work it's way through the layers of the epidermis.  

Read on for the feedback and diary entry after BioSurface Peel number four. 

Dermalogica BioSurface Peel Treatment Four


After the success of the first three BioSurface Treatments, my skin feels definitely smoother, some of the fine lines have reduced and the pigmentation marks that first became darker as they came to the surface, have now lightened considerably.  Result!


So Diana recommended that I have three further treatments, at fortnightly intervals, to complete the re-surface!!  So here I am again.


Skin was not sensitive at all during Treatment Four.  So Diana opted to cleanse three times to prepare the skin for maximum absorption of the peeling agent.  Then the biologically active peeling solution was applied four times with five minutes between each subsequent layer - the time allowed is to facilitate the utmost effectiveness of the peeling stage.


Followed by a de-celerator stage which de-sensitises and calms the skin over a period of ten minutes.  


Diana commented that my skin felt very smooth, and that there was a very obvious lightening in the areas of skin pigmentation.


After each appointment, the client leaves with the BioSurface Peel homecare box containing five products


ultra calming cleanser


barrier repair cream


intense moisture balance


super sensitive shield spf 30


multivitamin thermafoliant to exfoliate the skin every three days - not to be used three days either side of the treatment.


Depending on the individualss skin, there is sufficient product to last a week plus.  The multivitamin thermafoliant is more than enough to carry out a home exfoliation treatment every three days.


So it maybe necessary to supplement the home care kit with additional:


Super sensitive shield spf 30 (check if client has some Dermalogica suncream product at home, minimum spf 30)


barrier repair cream if client feels skin maybe prone to ultra sensitivity


moisturiser - check what the client already has available at home as intensive moisture balance from kit will not last more than a week


Maybe also helpful to use a moisturising mask every 2/3 days such as


skin hydrating mask  or

intensive moisture mask


As my eyes are prone to sensitivity I also used

ultra soothing eye serum


and had some ultracalming serum concentrate available to use if I found myself, unavoidably, in outside elements.


It is an active treatment and the client is encouraged to make a note of any personal observations during the interval between treatments.  Diana will be in contact during the interim to discuss how the skin has responded.


I use primarily Dermalogica products on my face.  However, having worked in the beauty profession for several decades I do have an assortment of other reputable skincare products in the cupboard.  I did find, however, that whilst undergoing the course of this treatment - it is better to use just Dermalogica products on your face - altogether seem to compliment the treatment for maximum efficacy.


Altogether I feel that the skin looks considerably brighter and fresher with an added bonus of a reduction of dark circles under the eyes.  My skin is much calmer after this treatment and is positively glowing.


As a family, we are all now glowing with enormous love and happiness on the safe arrival of Oliver Matthew on Monday, 3rd November.  

Heartfelt congratulations to Diana and Phil and big brother, Alfie; and big rub for George, the familys loyal golden retriever.

True to Dianas professionalism, I enjoyed my fifth treatment this Wednesday, with 9 day old Ollie cooing contentedly in the background.  Joyful!

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