Friday 3 October 2014

Feature Friday- BSP client feedback after treatment 1

BioSurface Peel 

One of my clients whose main Skincare concern is fine lines & ageing has undergone the course of the new Dermalogica treatment BioSurface Peel (BSP). She has kindly agreed to let me share her experience during the course and has been taking notes after each treatment.

Client Bio: 

I am 56 years old, have a conscientious skin care routine incorporating twice daily cleansing, toning and moisturiser. I use an exfoliant and a mask 2 - 3 times a week and regular use of eye cream.  I predominantly use Dermalogica facial products with additional Clarins products (mainly make-up and body treatment products).  I have an outdoor lifestyle and spend many days a month sailing in all weathers. I enjoy the sun, my skin is resilient to the elements and tans easily.  My main areas of concern are fine lines on forehead, around eyes and upper lip, and probably cheeks and neck as well - all in keeping with being mid-fifties!!

Treatment Feedback 

Wednesday, 17th September, 2014- Treatment One:

Appointment length - Approx 90 mins to allow time to complete form summarising client details, skin observations and overview of health matters.

Routine - as carried out by Diana:
Double cleanse followed by a prep solution which is worked into the skin and acts like a third deep cleanse.  The BioSurface Peel active preparations are then applied.  Firstly an enzyme solution followed by the applications of the very active solution - the number of layers depend on the skin type and regularity of treatments.  During these applications the skin is prone to tingling - which was monitored and noted by Diana.

The next stage was the decelerator, of a foaming consistency, being applied to calm the skin for ten minutes.  This was removed with cooling damp flannels, then the appropriate moisturiser and the sun protection care cream was applied.  Aftercare was discussed and printed Post-Treatment Instructions given.

Due to too much client participation/nosiness, I decided to sit up and look in the mirror during the treatment - not a good idea.  Got some solution in my eye - uncomfortable for a few minutes and may have led to the subsequent sensitivity. My eye area has always been a vulnerable area - capable of swelling in a reaction even from using incorrect nail products.  
I did experience some sensitivity and a periodic sensation of dryness at the corner of both eyes on day 1 and day 2, I counter-acted this by using Ultra Calming Eye Serum just for the two days and the dryness balanced.

I had a social gathering in the evening, and a friend and family member each commented that my skin looked fresh and clear.  I thought it felt tight and looked a tone lighter!

Must remember to drink more water or even some water!!

Followed after care routine daily conscientiously - this is really important to literally layer on products from the aftercare kit, sometimes moisturiser felt slightly tingly on application.  Very quick and straightforward routine and ‘Post Treatment Instructions’ are clear and self-explanatory.

1. Barrier Repair cream
2. Moisturiser - I found I needed Intensive Moisture Balance morning and evening  (may need to buy more - after care kit size only lasts 4/5 days - or use another Dermalogica moisturiser (if it has sufficient moisturising qualities to suit your recently ‘peeled’ skin).  Sometimes in the first few days, and with the products staring at me on my desk, I applied moisturiser during the day also. Tingled on application on first 3/4 days. 
3. Super Sensitive Shield spf 30 as top layer (vital part of regime)

Day Three (photo) 
I exfoliated using Multivitamin Thermafoliant (in kit) and followed by Skin Hydrating Masque (in cabinet as use regularly).  Skin did tingle during and after exfoliation, but I d
id not experience any redness or flakiness.  Skin still feels tight after cleansing and before applying cream layers.

Day Five
Very sunny day - Although I did not lie in sun, just a couple hours out dog walking and wearing a sun cap - still could see and feel redness on top of cheeks and upper eyelids - reminder to self to keep re-applying Super Sensitive Shield spf30 several times a day if out in the elements.  Skin tingled slightly more in evening when I applied Intensive Moisture Balance - probably result of deceptively strong September sun.

Day Seven
In addition to the twice daily routine, time for another exfoliation - less tingling this time, although skin felt warm during and after exfoliation and used different mask - Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque.  I could now remark that my skin did look fresh and glowing - there is a reduction in lines on my forehead and around my eyes, but not so sure about upper lip.

Day Ten
This is the day that the skin is expected to look at its maximum improvement. My skin certainly feels very comfortable and glowing.  No further home exfoliation treatments can take place for the next three days prior to Treatment appointment no. 2.
I have three sun freckles/‘liver spots’ on my right cheek and one on my nose which became more noticeable - I read in the treatment leaflet - ‘may also notice a temporarily more pronounced appearance of pigmentation as it rises to the skin’s surface’ - will watch for these to subside!!
Day Fourteen

Time for treatment number two.  Allow an hour and a quarter. Another enjoyable treatment - this time I have an extra layer at the active peel stage - four in total.  All with various associated tingles - all noted by Diana.  The treatment came with its next ‘after care kit’.

So after two treatments, the fine lines of my face have definitely reduced and the texture of my skin has improved dramatically making the whole complexion look fresher and ‘alive’.

So next report in two weeks - hopefully, looking more sparkling by the day!!

Client's Notes and Tips: 

- If prone to sensitivity - buy additional barrier repair as ‘kit’ size only lasts 3/4 days.  

- If time allowed I used either the skin hydrating masque or multivitamin power recovery masque every two days.

- There is no ‘down-time’ with BioSurface Peel - can carry on normal lifestyle with the exception of the day of the treatment to ‘avoid strenuous exercise or prolonged exposure to heat sources such as dry saunas and steam rooms. 

- It is possible to wear make up within 15 mins of treatment - I chose to just use eye and lip products for the first few days.  Interestingly, on day three I used a Clarins tinted moisturiser and the product just rolled off like rice grains - maybe from the concentrate of product already on the face.  Interestingly, with the same combination of base products - the Dermalogica Sheer Tint moisturiser was fine. Observation - not a sales pitch! - but maybe it is appropriate to use just Dermalogica products to compliment the BioSurface treatment.

- Throughout the first two weeks, I was aware that my skin had undergone an active and on-going treatment - much more than a few days glow and hydration as experienced with some standard facials.

- Not all Dermalogica ‘Expert’ Therapists incorporate the neck and décolleté in this treatment.  I agree with Diana that this is also an area that so often also needs attention.

Overall Summary of first treatment: 

Over a period of thirty years in the beauty profession, I have received all sorts of peeling treatments - some very harsh, on one occasion, whilst acting as model at a trade exhibition, my forehead was left with circular patterns of skin missing and unable to be in direct sunlight for several months. Other treatments experienced as they came on the market were tried, or observed, by myself but seemed unremarkable and largely ineffective.

Without hesitation, I would recommend a course of BioSurface Peel - the number of treatments as advised by Diana - dependant on skin type and desired effect.

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