Friday 24 October 2014

Feature Friday- BioSurface Peel Feedback Part 2

Dermalogica BioSurface Peel Treatment Two Feedback

Slightly shorter diary of observations this time!

Another enjoyable treatment exactly two weeks from the first, with Diana recording the level of sensation at each stage - some compliments the same  evening!

Immediately following the treatment, my skin felt calm and less activated, the texture was ‘velvety’ and I observed less ‘lightening’ in shade and yet the immediate improvement was more noticeable.  I experienced no eye sensitivity and the skin felt less tight on the subsequent days.  Along with the recommended aftercare, I did use the Skin Hydrating Masque on day two and it felt slightly tingly and again on day 3 and day 6 with the exfoliant.

The week following the treatment I was on the ‘annual visit’ to relatives and received a few comments about looking well - possibly biased with affection.  Also had the use of unaccustomed well lit mirrors and again I could see patches of skin discolouration - obviously coming to the surface but fade as the days went by - certainly a lessening of the long term sunspots of old.


Day 11 dawned with torrential rain and then glorious sunshine - had to re-apply sunscreen as could feel some redness could return if not careful.

Photographs are included - certainly felt confident to be happy with my fringe off my face - not done since my 40’s - lines reduced (not gone!) but skin feels proud enough to show full picture at 56! Smile is always important but, at last, not hiding behind a shock of an overgrown fringe!!

My close friend, a GP and honest observer, came to stay again and took the photo after three weeks (she originally took the first photo a few days after the first treatment) and was very impressed - now planning to have the treatment herself!

So on to treatment three - the final in my facial course to be taken at two week intervals.  Diana will then guide me as to a future treatment programme.

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