Thursday 24 November 2016

Give Thanks 365 days a year!

The definition of Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude... 

In North America it is an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival dating back to 1621. It brings together friends and family to give thanks and count their blessings whilst enjoying a hearty meal.

In keeping with the season, I am very grateful to all of my loyal clients, supportive family and friends along with my ever growing social media fans! What a fantastic year it has been for Orchids Retreat and myself, Diana Jenner! I adore each of my clients and look forward to seeing each one of you; it's like reading the next chapter in your life's book. I love it! 

Seasonal Treats to get you through the festive period: 

New Take 10 Treatment- A quick 10 minute flash peel to give your skin that healthy glow for the festive period. £10 for this add-on holiday treat. 

Black Friday- Special offer 20% of everything in salon 8-4 to help with your Christmas shopping 

12 Days of Christmas- 13-24 December: Come and find me for a free skincare trio! 

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