Saturday 12 September 2015

Skincare Saturday- 3 tips to healthy hands

Looking after your hands is just as important as your face because they show signs of ageing just as much as the facial, neck & decollete areas. Hands can't be hidden behind makeup or a face lift. Yes you could wear gloves, but it's not practical all year round. Gloves are an important factor in taking care if your hands and should be worn when doing the dishes, cleaning, gardening, and daily during the cold months of autumn and winter. Maria Thorburn, International Senior Instructor for Dermalogica says,
“Don’t forget that whilst driving you can also catch the sun. A great idea is to keep an SPF product in the glove box of your car. You can then apply as needed, especially to the backs of your hands whilst driving.” 
So how can you look after your hands? It's pretty simple really, it just takes a bit if thought and dedication by following these 3 simple steps. 

1. Moisturise- every time you wash your hands apply a hand cream. I keep a hand cream by every sink in the house to help this.  Also reapply as needed throughout the day- keep one in the car, your handbag, and in your desk to help prevent ageing. 

2. Wear Gloves- as mentioned above, wear gloves to protect hands from harsh chemicals and the elements which dry hands out and can accelerate skin ageing. 

3. Wear SPF- apply sunscreen when your hands are exposed to the elements and when driving to help prevent age spots.  

By following these three guidelines your hands will reap the benefits. I have a client in her sixties who even wears gloves for peeling vegetables and her hands look fantastic- no age spots in sight! 

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