Thursday 11 December 2014

Treatment Thursday- Holiday Hands

Five hacks for keeping your hands healthy this holiday season: 

🔹Thermal Manicure- the use of heat in a manicure treatment helps to penetrate the moisturiser or masque deeper into the skin leaving the skin more moisturised and softer for longer.

🔹Gel Nails- a gel finish on the nails lasts longer than regular polish, so your manicure will shine for longer during the festive social gatherings. 

🔹Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise- handcream is essential during these winter months because everything is zapping the mousture from them- Central heating, cold weather, car heaters, etc. 

🔹Cuticle oil- is important weather you have a professional treatment or maintain your nails at home. By massaging oil into your cuticles not only does it promote healthy nails growth it also prevents hangnails. The cuticles frame the nails so by keeping them soft it makes the polish look ten times better! 

🔹Wear gloves- wearing gloves is recommended aftercare all year round- when washing dishes, cleaning, etc. During the winter months wearing gloves when outside and driving it protects your hands from the elements & helps prevent dry, cracked skin. 

Follow these tips for happy hands during the holidays and throughout the winter. 

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